Solvil et Titus Gift Card

貨號: MG06-EGV0200


1.      本券持有人可在有效期內於任何香港時間廊分店或鐵達時專門店換取同等價值貨品,逾期無效。

2.      本券不適用於時間廊網上商店。

3.      請於付款前出示此券。

4.      此券不能兌換現金或現金券。行使此券不獲現金或任何形式之找贖。

5.      本券一經售出,不設退款。此劵如有過期、遺失、塗改或損毀,即作廢無效,不獲補發。

6.      此券只可行使一次。

7.      如有任何爭議,時間廊保留最終決定權。

Terms & conditions

1.      This coupon entities the bearer to exchange the equivalent amount of goods at any City Chain shops or Solvil et Titus Boutiques in Hong Kong on or before the expiry date. This coupon shall be invalid after the expiry date.

2.      This coupon cannot be used on online purchases on City Chain online shops.

3.      This voucher must be presented before payment.

4.      This voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or cash coupons. No change will be given either in cash or in other form.

5.      This coupon cannot be refunded once sold. If this voucher has expired, is lost, altered or damaged, it will not be replaced and will be invalid.

6.      This voucher can be used for one redemption only.

7.      City Chain reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.